5 Reasons to Invest in Communications Planning
Does your business or organization have a mission statement on the wall? Do you know what it is?
Maybe you have a comprehensive strategic plan. But does that plan sit on a shelf?
Setting a practical direction for daily business decisions doesn’t have to be a complicated exercise.
If your leaders and employees can’t recite your mission and name your audiences, it’s doubtful your mission is driving your daily work.
It’s also likely you spend lots of time on decisions like:
· Should we advertise in this publication?
· Should we do billboards?
· Should we buy a booth in this tradeshow?
· Should we sponsor this organization?
· Should we post this thing on social media?
And each one of these opportunities varies in importance based on who is asking or whose idea it was. Am I right?
So, you have to wonder, are you setting the direction for your business or organization? Or are the multitude of decisions on tactics and shiny objects running everyone around?
These five reasons are only the beginning of why you could benefit from investing in communications planning:
Get clear on the communication problem you are trying to solve. You’ll clarify goals and can choose a variety of ways to accomplish them.
Know your audience. When we get super precise about who are best customer or client is, we can narrow how to meet them where they are and do it more effectively.
Get on the same page with all the decision makers. You’ll elevate crucial conversations and decision points for all who are willing to put in the work to get there. Gather all who have a say or should have a say and invest that time before your buying stuff—like marketing campaigns.
Take control of your strategies and stop chasing shiny objects. Should we do this trade show? We need a brochure! Let’s take out billboards! No one marketing tactic is good or bad, but you will waste time and money on expensive marketing if you are not clear on what you are trying to accomplish.
Stop taking the bait of other people’s sales plans and goals. A persuasive pitch person should not be the reason you are buying ads, a service, a platform, or a program. Be in control of your marketing decision-making.
Just think: The decision, task—or even crisis—that’s sucking up your time today is what you could spend doing something else—if you had a communications plan.
Investing in communication planning gives you peace of mind in a clear and confident direction. And it will save you time and money.
It’s like a road map your team can follow to reach important goals.
Hi, I’m Edie. I help organizations small and large get clear on their mission and who they want to reach. Let’s connect so I can help you reach your goals.